Sunday, December 4, 2011

In The End

Photo taken by myself
She stands in the corner of the room and watches
Her eyes on the ground, her hands lighting matches
staring at the heart, oozing onto the floor
She gave him her all and he gave it up
He left her behind for one night stands and liquor,
A girl with more knowledge, more trips to the bed
A girl with simply no brains in her head
But she waits and refuses
She knows he’ll come back
Crawling along the floor
with empty promises and more.
She’s done crazy things for “man that she loves”
From painting her face
To hiding slices with long gloves
From skipping meals
To to wearing tight dresses and heels
She’s kissed his mouth and tasted lipgloss
Thought about speaking up
But he’s not the kind of guy she’d ever want to cross
She’s breathed into pillows to muffle her cries
So that no one could see the tears streaming from her eyes
And one day it will all change
She’ll wake up in his house bearing a ring on her finger
Remembering the tough times that they endured
But looking foreward to a wedding in a chapel theyve procured
and maybe she’ll laugh
just maybe she will
but for now her eyes are on the ground, her hands lighting matches
Because she stands in the corner of the room and watches

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